The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Though my entire professional career has revolved around computing, software and engineering, I do not for a moment regret studying in the College of Liberal Arts while an undergraduate at Penn State. While additional graduate work was necessary for me to establish my credentials as a software engineer, the skills I learned in Liberal Arts cover a much broader range of things I needed to know to become successful in business. This would include communications, problem solving, and appreciation for the history, politics and personalities that drive business decisions just as much as the technical requirements. I see some engineering graduates struggle with the notion that in the real world, there are multiple right answers to an engineering challenge and there are many reasons why one right answer might get chosen over another. Plus, my Liberal Arts education helps me appreciate the other intellectual aspects of life, outside of work: art, history, music, philosophy and so on. I enjoy bringing this message to students of all persuasions that no matter what you study, the knowledge itself will enhance your life.